
Leverage the power of a well-curated and feature-rich multi-vendor marketplace

Game up your digital marketplace business! We capacitate robust online marketplaces leveraging the tech-stack and expertise essential to adhere to uncompromising quality standards and industry best practices.

B2C Marketplace

Seamless online shopping experiences through intuitive UI/UX on your pureplay B2C marketplace.

B2B Marketplace

B2B marketplace vendors and sellers can carry out complex business transactions effortlessly including multi-level decision-making processes.

C2C Marketplace

Decipher the common eCommerce pain points through C2C marketplace-enabled community efforts.

Drive Profitable Growth
with Marketplace

We leverage technology via our wide-ranging capabilities, broad expertise, and superior knowledge to help convert online potential into enterprise advantage.
Revenue Opportunities

Choose a revenue stream that best fits your market niche and aligns with your business goals - use a combination of several monetization schemes.

Comparison at Fingertip

Make comparisons faster, online, and cover multiple products. The functionality adds value for your customers and eases the buying decision.

Scalable Business Model

Attract more customers with high-quality vendors, while a growing customer base attracts more vendors on a marketplace model making scalability easy.


Marketplace owners, as well as vendors, can track their sales with accurate metrics. As a result, the owner can promote goods and services that truly matter to its users.

Focused Areas

Render Marketplace features that aid smoother, faster, and more integrated online shopping experiences. From integrating CRM, ORM, and ERP to adding features like Vendor & Admin Panel, and Returns, we’ve got your commerce’s back.
  • Consumer Experience (CX)
  • Vendor Management
  • Select & Sell
  • Split Ordering
  • Multi-Shipping
  • Advanced Search & Filtering
  • Vendor Payout
  • Vendor Membership
  • Vendor Microsites
  • Return Management
  • Retail Mobile App
  • Vendor & Delivery Mobile App
  • Warehouse Integration
  • ERP/CRM/OMS Integration
  • Analytics Integration

Marketplace Solution

Our customizable and scalable marketplace solution renders a frictionless vendor portal and marketplace administrator panel to help you control and manage your online marketplace effortlessly.

Marketplace Platforms

Choose better, sell better, and earn better, with the right online marketplace platform for your business from the world’s leading players like Adobe, Shopify, commercetools, and VTEX.

Delivering excellence with 13+ years of long-standing association with Adobe (Magento), we are a specialized gold partner with 100+ Adobe certified technocrats & 350+ successful implementations.


Just like commercetools, we believe in solutions that are scalable, flexible, and decoupled. As a commercetools partner, we hold the expertise to draft and craft seamless headless solutions.


Krish is a global Shopify partner agency with seasoned Shopify experts to cater to the needs of a fully-functional and scalable Shopify store. We harness the power of this feature-loaded, flexible eCommerce platform to deliver exceptional, experience-driven stores.


The brand capabilities go beyond regular commerce platforms; so do our eCommerce solutions. Recognized as a VTEX Partner, we cater to end-to-end needs for the platform.

Marketplace Accelerator

Jump-start your online marketplace in just 4 weeks! Leverage our out-of-the-box multi-vendor marketplace eCommerce solution with rich UI/UX and pre-coded extensions to launch your store in no time.
  • Fastest Time to
  • Controlled
  • Enterprise Scale &
  • Flexible

Our work in action

  • B2C
  • D2C
  • Middle East & Africa
  • CG & Electronics

Tamata Build a Strong Foundation for the Region's 1st Online B2C Marketplace

View Case Study
  • B2C
  • D2C
  • APAC
  • Health & Beauty

Seniority Serving the Seniors with Unified Digital Commerce

View Case Study
  • B2C
  • D2C
  • Europe
  • Food & Beverage

Empowering Food Champions Through High-Performing Online Marketplace

View Case Study
  • B2C
  • Middle East & Africa
  • Consumer Goods

Stay tuned to read more about the success story of Homize's commerce vision.

Case Study Coming Soon

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the design of my Online Marketplace be on premade themes or customized?
We have an array of fully built website themes all ready to go. But you can get your online marketplace customized, including layouts, color schemes, and features to suit your style quotient, business requirements, and budget.
How much will it cost to build my Online Marketplace?
The cost of building an online marketplace depends on the complexity of the business, features, built-in integrations, and the region. You can contact our experts for more information.
Why should I create my Online Marketplace with Krish?
We are a team of experts who bring experience to the table to help you get a robust online marketplace up and running as fast as possible. Our enterprise-class solutions enable multi-vendor marketplaces to have personalized vendor portals and individual administrative panels for seamless online operations management.
What are some of the Online Marketplace features that Krish can provide me?
Besides being simple and smart, Krish believes every online marketplace must have certain features. Some of these features that Krish can provide are custom search and navigation, personalized vendor dashboard, catalog management, split orders, and much more.
Will Krish support me and my business after launching my Online Marketplace?
Krish strives to help business owners in the marketplace ecosystem. This includes providing technical support even after launching your online marketplace and maintenance for an existing eCommerce marketplace.

Kick-start your Marketplace Journey

Build High Performing B2B and B2C Marketplace

Trusted by leading brands

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              • B2BB2CMarketplace
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                Adobe Commerce Feature List

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                    commercetools Feature List

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                              Unlock the Full Potential of Adobe Commerce (Magento)
                              Talk to our eCommerce expert today!

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