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The eCommerce SEO Audit Checklist

27 September, 2022 As eCommerce businesses make way to reach the customers where they are, eCommerce SEO is gaining greater significance with each passing day...


Make the Most of Shopify in 2022 and Beyond

27 June, 2022 As eCommerce business owners strive to stay ahead of the competition, they look out for nothing but the best...

Headless Commerce

Headless eBook: A DEFINITIVE Headless eCommerce GUIDE

14 March, 2022 The astonishing rise of the digital commerce industry post-pandemic has propelled advancements in commerce technology—Headless Commerce is one such tech that is turning heads of business owners, decision-makers, and IT technocrats...


31-Point User Experience Checklist

16 October, 2021 The holiday shopping spree demands a lot of benchmarking when it comes to providing a seamless user experience (UX). In a time when consumers are in a limbo and buying...

Holiday Season, Magento

25-Point eCommerce Support & Maintenance Checklist

10 October, 2021 For eCommerce businesses, holidays are the most rewarding time of the year. The golden quarter, however, demands efforts and attention to drive a successful holiday shopping season. In a time...

Digital Marketing, Holiday Season

45 Point eCommerce Holiday Marketing Checklist

18 September, 2021 For eCommerce businesses, holidays are the most rewarding time of the year. The golden quarter, however, demands efforts and attention to drive a successful holiday shopping season. In a time...

Holiday Season, Magento

101-Point eCommerce Checklist for the Holidays

28 August, 2021 The ultimate holiday battle is about to begin and eCommerce businesses are busy strengthening their war chest!

Digital Marketing, Magento

Google Core Web Vitals for Magento 2

18 June, 2021 Google recently introduced three new ranking signals: the Core Web Vitals. Their aim is to reflect the user’s page experience in the SERPs results. The Core Web Vitals factor in...

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