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Webinar Recap: A Practical Approach towards Customer Journey: The eCommerce Way

5 Min read By: Minal Joshi

In this ever-evolving digital space, consumers’ needs and preferences are changing rapidly. Now is the time to meet your consumers where they are and offer them enhanced solutions.

In association with Adobe, we recently conducted a webinar: ‘A Practical Approach Towards Customer Journey: The eCommerce Way.’ In the webinar, both our speakers and subject matter experts, Willie Tan (Sr. Solution Consultant at Adobe) and Zenul Jinwala (Digital Marketing Head at Krish), shared their insights on leveraging customer journey for enhancing customer experience (CX).

The Recap

The session included the secrets of enhancing the customer experience for eCommerce businesses. The speakers walked us through the essentials of customer journey management with real-life examples alongside a practical demonstration of the eCommerce customer journey. We have also answered some of the questions we missed addressing during the webinar.

Zenul Jinwala on Customer Journey Management

While sharing the insights on various consumer touchpoints and the importance of understanding and leveraging customer journey, Zenul Jinwala added, ‘The new normal is NOT normal. We live in an era of Digital Darwinism and connected consumerism (represented by the Generation C – connected consumers). Generation C has now come of age. Digital Darwinism is the realignment of or new investment in technology, business models, and processes to create new value for customers. It disrupts our entire approach to customer engagement. So, to thrive in this era of democratized influence, connected consumer experiences will be our best asset.’

Willie Tan on Customer Journey Management

While Willie Tan, on the other hand, orchestrated a demonstration on the customer journey with actual use cases. He emphasized the collaboration of the CMO and CIO to deliver exceptional consumer experience and how Krish and Adobe can help brands do it in real-time. He also added, ‘The goal is not to improve the customer experience but to reimagine how this can evolve as the technology evolves and shapes the industry.’

Key Takeaways

  • Ample knowledge to deliver end-to-end seamless and frictionless customer journeys.
  • Explanation of customer journey stages in the eCommerce context and how to capture customers’ attention across various touchpoints.
  • The right set of technologies to enhance your customer journey and render positive CX.
  • Experiencing customer journey with actual use cases and live examples.

If you’ve missed the live webinar, we have got you covered. Get it on-demand and enjoy the full session. 


Q: How does customer journey mapping work?

A: Customer journey focuses on the customer’s activities throughout the purchase journey by keeping them in a 360-degree view of all the touchpoints. Essentially, customer journey mapping helps you see your business through the customer’s eyes at each and every step of the way, be it discovery, browsing, or checkout.

You should include all the customer’s touchpoints with your organization in the customer journey map. To create a detailed customer journey map, you should include an abbreviated history of communications across all channels and mediums, including analytics, social media interactions, outreaches and surveys, and even the reviews about your company and the products.

Q: What is the difference between customer experience and customer service?

A: Customer experience envelopes every consumer interaction with your brand, including physical stores, user interface, product images, checkout experience, etc. In contrast, customer service generally refers to the support your organization gives to the customers while aligning with your company’s commitments, like responding to concerns and queries.

Q: How can I manage the customer experience for B2B?

A: It is often easy to forget to humanize B2B clients because of their interactions as businesses and not individuals. Still, they are customers. Hence, customer experience is as essential in B2B as in B2C. And the process is also analogous. Understand the customer according to your needs and expectations, then use the data to improve aspects of your services and overall customer experience.

Q: How can I train my employees to render positive customer experiences to our clients?

A: It is crucial to update your employee training program to be more customer-centric. Create a vision and classify the touchpoints according to departments and individual employees. Brainstorm the ways to take actions that will result in a positive customer experience. Happy customer leads to happy business and happy employees. It is a chain reaction after that.

This is the end of this presentation. If you enjoyed the recap or have any more questions, please shoot us an email at [email protected].

Wrapping up

It gives us immense joy to share that we got an overwhelming response with registrations 3X more than our expectations and got a chance to host some of the renowned brands from the industry. Below mentioned are a few of the brands that supported us by being a part of our initiative.

A big thanks to all the participants who helped us make this webinar a success. You can visit us and stay tuned for more such collaborations and various resources.

customerexperiencecustomerjourneymanagementCXLive WebinarWebinar

Minal Joshi is a content marketer at Krish with a flair for eCommerce and Digital Commerce aspects. She is a MarTech fanatic with a knack of writing with which, she helps brands to curate, create, & commence digital brand positioning. Sharing insights via articles, case studies, eBooks, Infographics, and other forms of content creation is what she lives for. Being an ardent traveler, when not writing, you'll find her sipping coffee into the mountains or petting a stray.

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