Krish TechnoLabs is celebrating a journey of 11 incredible years of success in the eCommerce business. We began the journey with great passion and zeal to pick up even the most ultimate challenges as we forayed ahead. Beginning the odyssey as a little baby with just four employees when we started, we have grown up to be a mature, professional, and dedicated company with a strength of over a hundred technocrats and a mission and goal to fulfill our clients’ expectations to the maximum. This is the story of emotion, grit, determination, and a relentless determination to achieve excellence. This is the story of how it all began and how we made it so far!
20 February, 2019 Magento recently announced the end of support for Magento community edition after June 2020. As expected, the news in no time disseminated like fire in the jungle. And why not, going by the figures, there are around 190, 592 stores using Magento 1 across the globe. Amidst the entire hustle, there’s one common question among the Magento 1 users; is the entire hustle worth it?
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