Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
Digital Experience Strategy & DesignEmail marketingMigration to Magento 2
Consumer Goods | Electronics
Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
  • 23%

  • 22%

  • 25%

  • 20%

consectetur adipiscing elit. In aliquam condimentum

Curabitur at dolor lorem. Nullam nec nibh enim. Etiam posuere, orci at consectetur rhoncus

Odio nulla accumsan libero, eu euismod eros nisi imperdiet lectus. Pellentesque vel enim nulla. Ut faucibus turpis sit amet nunc laoreet, sit amet ultrices erat dapibus. Nullam vitae nulla mi.

Etiam fermentum metus non sem vestibulum.. Etiam efficitur turpis ac felis faucibus consequat. Sed lobortis eros vitae purus semper luctus. Etiam efficitur turpis ac felis faucibus consequat. Sed lobortis eros vitae purus semper luctus.

“Etiam efficitur turpis ac felis faucibus consequat. Sed lobortis eros vitae purus semper luctus.”

Donec fermentum


Integer porttitor erat sit amet interdum feugiat Aliquam id nunc vitae odio
  • metus eros pellentesque justo, ut vestibulum
  • Tortor erat ut purus. Vestibulum tristique porta tortor
  • Ac porta. Proin eget nisi dui. Aliquam erat volutpat.
  • Suspendisse vitae faucibu


Suspendisse in aliquam tortor. Mauris lacinia, neque et cursus ornare

Praesent sed magna risus. Nullam pellentesque lacus vel faucibus finibus. Sed id tortor lorem. In egestas.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus ac nulla orci. Nullam vehicula tortor vitae.

Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories banner
Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories banner
Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories banner

The Strategy

Mauris viverra leo quis arcu cursus molestie. Etiam malesuada odio non purus pellentesque.

Donec eget rhoncus nisi, eu consequat metus. Mauris viverra leo quis arcu cursus molestie. Etiam malesuada odio non purus pellentesque tristique eu vitae justo. Vestibulum tortor lorem Donec eget rhoncus nisi, eu consequat metus. Mauris viverra leo quis arcu cursus molestie. Etiam malesuada odio non purus pellentesque tristique eu vitae justo. Vestibulum tortor lorem.

Eget rhoncus nisi, eu consequat metus. Mauris viverra leo quis arcu cursus molestie. Etiam malesuada odio non purus pellentesque tristique eu vitae justo. Vestibulum tortor lorem molestie non dui a, fermentum vehicula ipsum.


Mobile First Design

Vestibulum est libero, dapibus eget eros et, vestibulum tincidunt tellus.
Mobile MB
Mobile MB
Mobile MB
Mobile MB

Client Speaks

Lama Nasser
Omnichannel & Customer Experience Head

Praesent aliquet non dui quis gravida. Vivamus tellus velit, lacinia eu porta pulvinar, efficitur vel ligula. Vestibulum finibus nulla vitae mollis venenatis. Aenean ut porta ipsum. Vestibulum maximus pretium metus eu sodales. Praesent aliquet non dui quis gravida. Vivamus tellus velit, lacinia eu porta pulvina.


After launch of the store, the client noticed a hike of 23% in its revenue and earned 25% new customers.

Apart from these, the average order per day increased by 20% and a 22% hike in average order value was noticed, which eventually boosted the confidence of the client and now they are planning to have Krish TechnoLabs as their solution partner for the upcoming online stores for other regions like Bahrain, Kuwait, and others. Just like them, the team of technocrats at Krish also looks ahead to serve them for their future endeavours.

Next Case Study


Having experience of more than 30 years, MyBinding is undoubtedly one of the USA’s largest binding and laminating dealers. While the brand had brick-and-mortar stores in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, California, Nevada, Illinois, and Missouri, with the online store, it wanted to expand digital commerce by reaching a wider audience base. With an increasing client base and the need of a feature-rich eCommerce store, MyBinding chose Krish to upgrade its eStore from Magento 1 to Magento 2.

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