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MagentoLive Europe 2019 Highlights

4 min read By: Shivi Rao

Leaving impressions of vivid memories and cherishable experiences on us, MagentoLive 2019 – Europe’s most prominent event for the year is now over. For us, being a part of this ultimate human experience was indeed an honor we take pride for. Throughout the event, we had a unique privilege of meeting commerce people from across 60 different countries. Together, we shared insights, collaborated with and learnt from a few remarkable figures in the world of commerce. Here are the top 3 highlights from our experience at MagentoLive Europe 2019:

#1 – Incredible Sessions from Icons of the Commerce World:
During our days at #MLEU, we were exposed to several thought-provoking sessions on diversified topics ranging from Magento migration to closing the commerce gap. Delivered by high performers of the eCommerce world, all the sessions were incredibly insightful and gave us a new standpoint to look at digital commerce. Speakers put forth groundbreaking strategies that could transform our commerce game. With that being said, the sessions were the first highlight we couldn’t get enough of.

#2 – Latest Innovations in the Magento Ecosystem:
Certainly, this was something we had been looking forward to. MagentoLive 2019 unveiled the latest and cutting-edge innovations in the Magento ecosystem. The astounding announcement of hands-free shopping, robot-assisted retail, and the new commerce capabilities for SMBs and mid-market merchants became the second big highlight of #MLEU 2019 for us. Foreseeing the future of commerce will help us develop even better solutions for our clients.

#3 – Networking:

No Magento event ever goes without phenomenal networking opportunities. #MLEU 2019 wasn’t an exception either. We got to see, meet and learn from few of the most prominent commerce icons from across the globe. Exposing ourselves to a giant pool of experts equipped us with new tools and strategies to level-up our commerce game. We certainly enjoyed the diversity of ideas, cultures and people!

Vaarwel #MLEU 2019 Tot de volgende keer!

With all those life-treasuring memories and experiences, we bid #MLEU 2019 a warm farewell and look forward to the next Magento experience. If you missed this one, the next one is not that far. Furthermore, if there are any commerce questions puzzling you, feel free to route them to us and we will be happy to help you detangle them for you.


MagentoLive 2019 HighlightsMagentoLive Europe 2019MLEU

Shivi Rao is a content marketer with Krish. She has worked in various industries spanning technology, science, rural marketing, startups & unicorns, eCommerce business, and digital marketing, believing that content is the foundation to facilitate the visibility of any organization and ensuring her words do the same. In her free time, you can either find her lifting weights in the gym or feeding the strays.

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